
Showing posts from September, 2017

border-radius dan -moz-border-radius

Salah satu sifat CSS3 yang paling ditunggu adalah  border-radius  .   Perancang web tidak lagi harus menggunakan struktur tabel yang rumit menggunakan grafik sudut khusus atau termasuk file JavaScript misterius untuk menghasilkan desain dengan sudut yang membulat. Sementara Internet Explorer sebelum IE9 tidak mendukung banyak (atau ada) sifat CSS lanjutan, Mozilla (Firefox dan peramban terkait) dan WebKit (  mesin peramban web  Apple yang digunakan di  Safari  dan  Chrome  ) dan Opera telah mendukungnya selama bertahun-tahun. Awalan vendor (  -moz  ,  -webkit  ) sekarang tidak lagi diperlukan untuk rilis peramban terbaru karena mereka semua mengadopsi sintaks CSS3 resmi. 1.  Definisi dan sintaks untuk border-radius Seperti banyak properti CSS yang berkaitan dengan margin, padding dan border, ada empat properti individual - satu untuk setiap sudut elemen kotak - dan satu properti singkat.   Masing-masing ...


Css border or so-called border css these properties could allow us to determine the style and the border color of an element. Here I will give some examples of commonly used and may be useful. SOME TYPES OF BORDER CSS 1. none 2. dotted 3. dashed 4. solid 5. double 6. groove 7. ridge 8. inset 9. outset : Do not define the border line : Defines a dotted line border. : Defines a dotted line border. Defining a full line border. Defining a double line border. : Defines a 3D grooved border line. : Defines a 3D ridged border line. : Defines a 3D inset border line. : Defines a 3D outset border line. How to use it: none <p style = "border: 3px none; # 000000; padding: 20px;"> Do not define the border line </ p> Does not define the border line dotted <p style = "border: 3px dotted; # 000000; padding: 20px; align: center;"> Defines a dotted line border. </ p> Defining a dotted line border. dashed <p...


If my friend had more than one blog and want to show the other blog to another blog can use this iframe. Due to the usefulness of this iframe is to show another blog to our blog. Of course in using iframe some like and others do not. Sukanya we can read and read other blogs within a blog. And perhaps less joy iframe page that we love bebanya will increase because they have opened two blogs at once. Automatic loading time will increase as well. For that to this blog is not too heavy I would love iframe example by displaying a page from one of this blog as well. The code that we use are: <iframe> </ iframe> Medium astribut frequently used are: ALIGN = "left / right" FRAMEBORDER = "borderline" WIDTH = "width" HEIGHT = "high" SCROLLING = "auto / yes / no" SRC = "url address to be in the show" Below is an example of iframes zoom I took from one of the pages of this blog. And the following code...

Several social bookmarking sites

Buddy must have bookmarks in the browser's favorite sites belonging to my friend, this so easily at any time in order to return to the website or the website. Almost all browsers have facilities such boookmarks, but unfortunately we could not open the bookmarks on another computer. This is what social bookmarking sites, we can mark or save the sites we like and open it again through another computer, which must have an internet connection. Usually the social bookmarking site is used to increase traffic for the blog owner with to submit articles which they think is important, then add the tags in the form of a link or links . Because bookmarking sites is no different as the other social networking sites, then we can share or share with other users. Actually, many social bookmarking sites that can be found on the internet. Here I want to share on buddy, what are the social bookmarking site that is often used to store favorite sites and submit your blog. 1.

How to Get Free NET Domain September 2017

How to Obtain Free Domain NET September 2017 - Assalamualaikum Dear Friend, Hope we are in good health and in his protection.So long time I did not post on this Blog. On This Time, Will provide information about the existence of free NET domain from EXABYTES . It's been a long time for this .NET Free domain, but only this time there is a time to post. Free .NET Domains To First Get Free Domain NET September 2017 You should visit Keep Select " REGISTER NOW " Enter the domain you want to register / take Enter your URL (Facebook Page / Shop online / Blogspot). (T...

free calls over the internet

Actually there are several free telephone facilities on the internet using VoIP, and Skype is one of them. To make calls for free users are only required to have an account and download the application. Call via skype can be done via pc to pc, phone to phone, or from PC to phone. Skype has joined forces with Microsoft to millions of users on the internet. In addition to free phone calls via skype also provide video (video call) that can be done individually or in groups. To be able to use the facilities free phone via the Internet friend can go to to create an account there, and download the application. For those using hp friend can customize the type hp friend use. When my friend was on skype can connect directly with Facebook friends. Newsfeed feature that can be seen: See the Facebook wall directly from Skype. Facebook status updates. Comments on the status of friends. Can directly call facebook friends. See the facebook friends from the cont...

Javascript detect bot crawler

function botCheck(){ var botPattern = "(googlebot\/|Googlebot-Mobile|Googlebot-Image|Google favicon|Mediapartners-Google|bingbot|slurp|java|wget|curl|Commons-HttpClient|Python-urllib|libwww|httpunit|nutch|phpcrawl|msnbot|jyxobot|FAST-WebCrawler|FAST Enterprise Crawler|biglotron|teoma|convera|seekbot|gigablast|exabot|ngbot|ia_archiver|GingerCrawler|webmon |httrack|webcrawler||UsineNouvelleCrawler|antibot|netresearchserver|speedy|fluffy|bibnum.bnf|findlink|msrbot|panscient|yacybot|AISearchBot|IOI|ips-agent|tagoobot|MJ12bot|dotbot|woriobot|yanga|buzzbot|mlbot|yandexbot|purebot|Linguee Bot|Voyager|CyberPatrol|voilabot|baiduspider|citeseerxbot|spbot|twengabot|postrank|turnitinbot|scribdbot|page2rss|sitebot|linkdex|Adidxbot|blekkobot|ezooms|dotbot|Mail.RU_Bot|discobot|heritrix|findthatfile||NerdByNature.Bot|sistrix crawler|ahrefsbot|Aboundex|domaincrawler|wbsearchbot|summify|ccbot|edisterbot|seznambot|ec2linkfinder|gslfbot|aihitbot|intelium_bot|facebookexternal...


PDF stands for Portable Document Format which can help us in document exchange. Actually out there are many free services that can be used. But here I prefer doPDF. Besides its use is quite easy to program is not too heavy, and of course free. If my friend wishes to convert document to pdf friend can use this software. Can of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, WordPad or NotePad. Download software dopdfnya here. When finished installing my friend can try. Can via Start - Programs >> - >> doPDF - >> then click on doPDF. Use the search button to select the file you want to convert. Then click create to convert a document to PDF - >> Ok. Or it could be a way to first open the document that want to mate the conversion to PDF. Open Document - file >> - >> print - >> select doPDF - >> print - >> Ok. To more easily my friend could see screenshot below. MAY BE USEFUL

Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar’s Revenge (2017)

Streaming Online Pirates of the Caribbean: Salazar’s Revenge (2017) Short History: Johnny Depp kembali sebagai Kapten Jack Sparrow dalam angsuran kelima (kelima!) Dari seri swashbuckling Disney. Plotnya nominal, dan begitu juga film 90 menit pertama (termasuk Paul McCartney). Membosankan dan ribut, mereka meniru pendahulunya - visual CGI yang jelek dan suram, dan lelucon bercanda. Pengenalan ahli astronomi dan horolog Carina Smyth (Kaya Scodelario) karena yang cerdas adalah usaha yang tipis untuk memperdebatkan keluhan tentang celana dalamnya, yang ada beberapa. Javier Bardem bahkan tampaknya tidak memiliki Hamming menyenangkan sebagai penjahat Spanyol Salazar. Peregangan akhir film ini sangat hampir menebus banyak hal, dengan sebuah kunjungan ke pulau yang berkilauan dan peperangan bawah laut yang hampir seru, namun akhiran sekuelnya yang mengasyikkan mendorongku ke laut. Sinopsis Film Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales 2017 Source:  Mbah Sinopsis Pirates...