
Showing posts with the label Tools

Project lists for beginner

Movies App (Flutter Project)

Curl Error Codes

CURLE_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL (1) The URL you passed to libcurl used a protocol that this libcurl does not support. The support might be a compile-time option that you didn't use, it can be a misspelled protocol string or just a protocol libcurl has no code for. CURLE_FAILED_INIT (2) Very early initialization code failed. This is likely to be an internal error or problem, or a resource problem where something fundamental couldn't get done at init time. CURLE_URL_MALFORMAT (3) The URL was not properly formatted. CURLE_NOT_BUILT_IN (4) A requested feature, protocol or option was not found built-in in this libcurl due to a build-time decision. This means that a feature or option was not enabled or explicitly disabled when libcurl was built and in order to get it to function you have to get a rebuilt libcurl. CURLE_COULDNT_RESOLVE_PROXY (5) Couldn't resolve proxy. The giv...

Remove IDM "Fake Serial" Pop-ups

Menghilangkan Pop-up "Fake Serial" IDM Web Development Indonesia - If you are a pirated Internet Download Manager user, lately there must be something strange about your Internet Download Manager or IDM. Yep, Tonec has held a raid on one of its flagship software, IDM. So when you want to download something with IDM a Fake Serial warning will appear. Although IDM can still be used normally, but the warning or pop-up is very annoying. Well, for those who experience events like that, can try the way below. Download: (New Patch - August 17, 2015) Patch IDM anti Fake Serial Patch [Kimpagi] Patch IDM anti Fake Serial Patch [Solidfiles] Patch IDM anti Fake Serial [Data File Host] Patch IDM anti Fake Serial [Dev-Host] Patch IDM anti Fake Serial [Zippyshare] Password: Here | Status: Tested (Windows 10) How to get rid of IDM Fake Serial Pop-ups Make sure the latest version of IDM is installed on your computer Turn off your antivirus b...

TeamViewer 10 Premium Full Crack

TeamViewer 10 Premium Full Crack Web Development Indonesia - For some people, maybe this remote PC software is already familiar to you. TeamViewer 10 Premium Full Crack is a remote PC software that is usually used to control another PC remotely without having to use any target IP Address. Only by requiring a partner ID and password, my friend can control the target PC remotely. However, the target user must also have TeamViewer 10 Premium Full Crack installed on their PC. Unlike other software, TeamViewer 10 Premium has a size and process that is lighter than other remote PCs. Screenshot: Download Link: TeamViewer 10 Premium Installer | Zippyshare | | DataFileHost TeamViewer 10 Premium Crack Only | Zippyshare | | DataFileHost Password: | Status: Tested (Windows 7) How to Install: Run setup.exe then install Team Viewer 10 as usual. If it's finished, don't run the program first. Copy the crack file to the Te...

5 Ekstensi VSCode Teratas untuk Pengembangan JavaScript yang Efisien

Ekstensi adalah sumber daya eksternal yang membantu Anda meningkatkan kemampuan bawaan VSCode. Dalam posting ini, kita melihat 5 ekstensi teratas untuk meningkatkan keterampilan pengembangan JavaScript kita. Salah satu hal paling luar biasa tentang Visual Studio Code adalah kemampuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuannya dengan penambahan ekstensi eksternal. Namun, ada banyak ekstensi di pasar. Dalam pos ini, kami akan membahas 5 ekstensi teratas yang secara drastis akan meningkatkan pengembangan JavaScript Anda di VS Code. ESLint ESLint adalah alat linter pluggable dan dapat dikonfigurasi untuk mengidentifikasi dan melaporkan pola pengembangan dalam JavaScript. Ini membantu Anda menjaga kualitas dan struktur kode Anda dengan mudah. Menambahkan ekstensi ini ke VSCode akan membantu Anda memformat kode Anda secara otomatis, menegakkan kode yang lebih bersih, terstruktur dengan baik, dan konsisten. Debugger untuk Chrome Debugger untuk Chrome adalah ekstensi VS Code yang digunakan unt...

Install MySQL di termux

Install dan buka termux ketik pkg install mariadb mkdir ../usr/etc/my.cnf.d mysql_install_db mysqld Buka tab sesi baru, lalu ketik mysql -u root -p buka tab sesi baru, lalu ketik mysql_secure_installation lalu ikuti step by step nya. jika ingin memberi password untuk ROOT, tinggal ketik 'y' pada saat step pemberian password terhadap root user selesai. bila ingin menjalankan mysql, setiap pertama kali membuka termux ketik mysqld lalu buka tab sesi baru untuk melakukan open server seperti php misalnya (php -s localhost:8080)

Sublime 3.1.1 Build 3176 Serial key

## Sublime Text 3 Serial key build is 3176 > * Added these lines into /etc/hosts > * Used the license key ----- BEGIN LICENSE ----- sgbteam Single User License EA7E-1153259 8891CBB9 F1513E4F 1A3405C1 A865D53F 115F202E 7B91AB2D 0D2A40ED 352B269B 76E84F0B CD69BFC7 59F2DFEF E267328F 215652A3 E88F9D8F 4C38E3BA 5B2DAAE4 969624E7 DC9CD4D5 717FB40C 1B9738CF 20B3C4F1 E917B5B3 87C38D9C ACCE7DD8 5F7EF854 86B9743C FADC04AA FB0DA5C0 F913BE58 42FEA319 F954EFDD AE881E0B ------ END LICENSE ------

DOWNLOAD KMPlayer VR (360degree, Virtual Reality) 0.1.11 Apk android

KMPlayer VR (360degree, Virtual Reality) 0.1.11 Apk android KMPlayer VR (360degree, Virtual Reality) adalah Game Pemutar & Editor Video untuk android unduh versi terakhir KMPlayer VR (360degree, Virtual Reality) Apk untuk android dari Website Manajemen Indonesia dengan tautan langsung KMPlayerVR adalah pemutar video VR yang baru dirilis yang dibuat oleh KMPlayer, yang dipilih oleh lebih dari 300 juta orang di seluruh dunia. Anda dapat mengalami dunia 3D 360 derajat yang luar biasa di mana saja, kapan saja hanya dengan KMPlayer VR! • UI sederhana yang dapat dengan mudah dimanipulasi oleh siapa pun • pemutaran video 360 derajat • Mode kacamata VR • Mode layar penuh (tanpa perangkat VR) • Pemutaran URL: Anda dapat menonton video VR di web hanya dengan URL-nya. • Mendukung berbagai format VR seperti mp4, mkv, mov dan flv dll. • Mendukung sebagian besar perangkat headset VR termasuk Samsung gear VR, Oculus VR, Baofeng Mojing dan Mi VR, VR Sia...

Basic CodeIgniter Usage Tutorial

In this tutorial, the author will provide a tutorial on the basic use of the php framework is CodeIgniter.   The author uses CodeIgniter v 2.1.4 which can be downloaded directly from the official web CodeIgniter, ie   What is needed for this tutorial is: 1. CodeIgniter 2.1.4 2. Text Editor (Sublime Text, CodeIgniter, Brackets, ell) 3. XAMPP / WAMP CodeIgniter PHP Framework What is done for the first time is download CodeIgniter v 2.1.4 which has been provided at the official website then extract the download and generate CodeIgniter folder.   The folder should be the reader move into the htdocs folder in the XAMPP / WAMP directory. Related Articles:  Codeigniter Early Settings After that the reader must run the web server contained in XAMPP / WAMP in order to run the PHP script.   If it is, the reader can directly open the browser page and then write "localhost / CodeIgniter" in the URL Browser (Without quotes "")...

Cara install heroku CLI di Termux

Heroku adalah platform cloud sebagai layanan (PaaS) yang mendukung beberapa bahasa pemrograman. Heroku, salah satu platform cloud pertama, telah dikembangkan sejak Juni 2007, ketika hanya mendukung bahasa pemrograman Ruby, tetapi sekarang mendukung Java, Node.js, Scala, Clojure, Python, PHP, dan Go. Untuk alasan ini, Heroku dikatakan sebagai platform polyglot karena memungkinkan pengembang membangun, menjalankan, dan menskala aplikasi dengan cara yang sama di semua bahasa. Heroku diakuisisi oleh pada 2010 sebesar $ 212 juta. Berikut tutorial untuk install Heroku App dan pre-requirements nya: Instalasi PHP di Termux Instalasi Composer di Termux Instalasi Node.js di Termux Instalasi Heroku App CLI di Termux Tahap 1: update & upgrade apt cd $HOME apt update -y apt upgrade -y Tahap 2: install PHP dan Composer cd $HOME apt install php -y php -r "copy('', 'composer-setup.php');" php -r "if (hash_file...

DOWNLOAD Spotify Music Premium Apk + Mod Final android

Spotify Music adalah musik & aplikasi audio untuk android men-download versi terakhir dari Spotify Music Premium Apk + Mod Akhir + Spotify Downloader penuh untuk android dari Website Manajemen Indonesia dengan link langsung Spotify is an application that will allow you to download all of your music from a computer directly to your mobile phone. Spotify sekarang gratis di ponsel dan tablet. Dengarkan musik yang tepat, di manapun Anda berada. Dengan Spotify, Anda memiliki akses ke dunia musik. Anda dapat mendengarkan artis dan album, atau membuat playlist sendiri dari lagu-lagu favorit Anda. Ingin menemukan musik baru? Pilih playlist siap pakai yang sesuai suasana hati Anda atau mendapatkan rekomendasi pribadi. Dengarkan secara ...

Install PHP Web Server on Termux

Install PHP Web Server on Termux Install PHP Web Server on Termux connect the previous article about how to install maria db in termux ( Install MariaDB on Termux ), as a complement we will install the apache web server in termux . due to the differences in termux compared to native Linux, the default ports for web servers like 80 etc cannot be used, so later we will use other ports to run the web server . Install Apache WEb server to install Apache web server is quite easy, just type #apt install Apache2 wait until the process is complete, if it's already running it it's easy enough. all we need to do is type the command. #php -S ip: port -t /path/to/web/file.php where ip is the ip address of the web that we want, the port is the port we want to use as an http port, if by chance port 80 is not used it can use port 80, and /path/to/web/file.php is the directory of the php file that we want to run. suppose I have a file at ...

Install MariaDB on Termux

Install MariaDB on Termux Install MariaDB on Termux as in my previous article about termux, ( Termux, a Linux in Android ). Termux is a Linux system that uses Android. this time I want to share a little about how to install mariadb or the database server in termux . of course, by installing the database we can run the database server whenever we want. so that we can have portable database applications that are suitable for our application demo (if by chance the programmer might understand, there's no need to bother opening the PC if only for database application demos). Maria DB Installation Process to install Mariadb just type #apt install mariadb wait a while until finally Mariadb has finished installing the system. after mariadb is complete then run the following command, to install the basic data #mysql_install_db then type the following command to start the mariadb service #mysqld when finished, we can see th...