
Showing posts with the label Hosting

Gmail SMTP error please log in via your web browser

You having problems with gmail smtp server. Like this Gmail SMTP error please log in via your web browser , Then Goggle says: Please log in via your web browser and then try again. 534-5.7.14 Learn more at ?. I know this is an older issue, but I recently had the same problem and was having issues resolving it, despite attempting the DisplayUnlockCaptcha fix. This is how I got it alive. Firstly you must activate less secure apps at Enable less secure apps Head over to Account Security Settings ( ) and enable "Access for less secure apps", this allows you to use the google smtp for clients other than the official ones. Enable less secure apps Update Google has been so kind as to list all the potential problems and fi...

FTP Backup File Recursively PHP Script

FTP FILE BACKUP RECURSIVELY Auto Zipping All files Inside Directory Auto Send Zipped files to FTP at once Auto Cleaning sent Zipped files on local storage <?php define("user", "username_ftp", true); //Your FTP Username define("password", "password_ftp", true); //Your FTP Password define("host", "host_ftp", true); //eg: define("port", "21", true); //default ftp port is 21 /*** Script_By_Dimas_Lanjaka ***/ if (defined("user") && defined("password") && defined("host")){ // Get real path for our folder// Get real path fo $rootPath = realpath(__DIR__); //array_map('unlink', glob("$rootPath*.zip")); // Initialize archive object $zip = new ZipArchive(); $cdate = str_replace('.', '-', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); $zip->open($cdate . '.zip', ZipArchive::CREATE | ZipArchive::OVERWRI...

Bagaimana Menggunakan SSL Certificate Gratis Dengan Bluehost Hosting

Bagaimana Menggunakan SSL Certificate Gratis Dengan Bluehost Hosting Untuk menjalankan berbasis WordPress blog & website. Mereka juga salah satu yang direkomendasikan WordPress perusahaan hosting . Di masa lalu, saya telah berbagi banyak tutorial untuk membantu Anda menggunakan dan mendapatkan hasil maksimal dari Bluehost hosting. Berikut adalah beberapa yang populer: Cara Beli Hosting & Domain Dari Bluehost Hosting Cara Install WordPress Blog Pada Bluehost Hosting Anda Dalam tutorial eksklusif hari ini, Anda akan belajar bagaimana menggunakan sertifikat SSL gratis dengan Bluehost hosting Anda. Dengan menggunakan panduan ini, Anda akan bermigrasi blog WordPress ...