
Showing posts from October, 2018

Pure Javascript Geolocation

Read How to async defer CSS JS perfectly <script> function locationSuccess(position) { var latitude = position.coords.latitude; var longitude = position.coords.longitude; var altitude = position.coords.altitude; var accuracy = position.coords.accuracy; var altitudeAccuracy = position.coords.altitudeAccuracy; var heading = position.coords.height; var speed = position.coords.speed; var timestamp = position.timestamp; // bekerja dengan informasi ini sesuka Anda! } function locationError(error) { var code = error.code; var message = error.message; // baca kode dan pesan dan putuskan bagaimana Anda ingin menangani ini! } navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(locationSuccess, locationError); </script>

Install deb package via Termux

Packages are manually installed via the dpkg command (Debian Package Management System). dpkg is the backend to commands like apt-get and aptitude , which in turn are the backend for GUI install apps like the Software Center and Synaptic. Something along the lines of: dpkg --> apt-get , aptitude --> Synaptic, Software Center But of course the easiest ways to install a package would be, first, the GUI apps (Synaptic, Software Center, etc..), followed by the terminal commands apt-get and aptitude that add a very nice user friendly approach to the backend dpkg, including but not limited to packaged dependencies, control over what is installed, needs update, not installed, broken packages, etc.. Lastly the dpkg command which is the base for all of them. Since dpkg is the base, you can use it to install packaged directly from the command line. Install a package sudo dpkg -i DEB_PACKAGE For ...

Cara Menggunakan Bruteforce WPS WiFi Di Android Tanpa Root

Penjabaran dari WPS WPA WiFi Tester (Tanpa Root) Uji apakah router Anda rentan melalui serangan bruteforce WPS. Temukan kunci WPA! Fitur: -Pin Bruteforce (dari pin ke pin) Sesi tersimpan sebelumnya -Restore -Menghitung Algoritma yang berbeda untuk pin default -Password Recovery (ROOT SAJA) -Decrypt "Wpa_supplicant" Kata Sandi (ROOT SAJA) -Kopi Menyimpan Sandi -Offline Pin Calculator Dan banyak lagi: -Tidak ada data yang dikumpulkan Jika router Anda rentan, aplikasi ini akan memungkinkan Anda untuk mencoba pin default yang berbeda atau hanya untuk membasmi router WPS. Anda dapat dengan mudah mengembalikan kata sandi: aplikasi ini menunjukkan kata sandi yang tersimpan, dan itu dapat mendekripsi file wpa_supplicant di mana mereka disimpan! ! APP INI DIBUAT UNTUK MENGUJI ROUTER SENDIRI ANDA! Privacy Policy :

WPS PIN codes for 6C:B0:CE:1A:CC:3D

WPS PIN codes for 6C:B0:CE:1A:CC:3D 17562218 | ZhaoChunsheng 24-bit PIN 66372455 | ZhaoChunsheng 28-bit PIN 78627178 | ZhaoChunsheng 32-bit PIN 78627178 | ZhaoChunsheng 36-bit PIN 21068133 | ZhaoChunsheng 40-bit PIN 16401259 | ZhaoChunsheng 44-bit PIN 79066211 | ZhaoChunsheng 48-bit PIN 40499468 | Reverse byte 24-bit 67863822 | Reverse byte 32-bit 23759169 | Reverse byte 48-bit 38804816 | Reverse nibble 24-bit 34033722 | Reverse nibble 32-bit 33904061 | Reverse nibble 48-bit 23339125 | Reverse bits 24-bit 74815876 | Reverse bits 32-bit 32890143 | Reverse bits 48-bit 31028240 | D-Link PIN 60475794 | D-Link PIN +1 99761509 | Vodafone EasyBox 75130299 | ASUS PIN 42205944 | Airocon Realtek 50209941 | Inv NIC to PIN 35124429 | NIC * 2 52686634 | NIC * 3 88793719 | OUI + NIC 53669292 | OUI - NIC 77652355 | OUI ^ NIC ...