
Showing posts from July, 2019

Fix openssl encrypt decrypt [PHP]

Warning: openssl_decrypt(): IV passed is only 12 bytes long, cipher expects an IV of precisely 16 bytes, padding with \0 in PATH_FILE on line LINE_N openssl_encrypt(): IV passed is only 12 bytes long, cipher expects an IV of precisely 16 bytes, padding with \0 in PATH_FILE on line LINE_N How to fix the errors Ensure your SALT  only using NUMBER ONLY  and Minimum length of SALT  is 12 . Ensure your PHP version is 7 or above That's how to fix openssl_encrypt() and openssl_decrypt() errors

Si montok 15.0b Anti Block No Ads

Simontok 15.0b anti blocks tanpa iklan Download [zippyshare] Si montok no ads tanpa iklan mod anti block 15.0b

Membuat PHP argumen dengan '='

Cara Membuat argumen PHP CLI dengan ' = ' ' --= ' Buat file php <?php function arguments($argv) { $_ARG = array(); foreach ($argv as $arg) { if (ereg('--([^=]+)=(.*)',$arg,$reg)) { $_ARG[$reg[1]] = $reg[2]; } elseif(ereg('-([a-zA-Z0-9])',$arg,$reg)) { $_ARG[$reg[1]] = 'true'; } } return $_ARG; } ?> Contoh penggunaan php myscript.php --user=nobody --password=secret -p --access="host= port=456" Output Array ( [user] => nobody [password] => secret [p] => true [access] => host= port=456 )

Put execution arg into $_GET

PHP CLI <?php if ( $argv ) {     foreach ( $argv as $k => $v )     {         if ( $k == 0 ) continue;         $it = explode ( "=" , $argv [ $i ]);         if (isset( $it [ 1 ])) $_GET [ $it [ 0 ]] = $it [ 1 ];     } } ?>

Menggunakan PHP di termux

Instalasi pkg update -y pkg upgrade -y pkg install php curl wget git -y Contoh Penggunaan PHP (CLI) pada termux buat file php <?php parse_str ( implode ( '&' , array_slice ( $argv , 1 )), $_GET ); ?> Usage/penggunaan php -f namafile.php a=1 b[]=2 b[]=3 //output //$_GET['a'] to '1' and $_GET['b'] to array('2', '3').

FIX Low signal wifi kali linux

Memperbaiki low wifi signal kali linux   git clone cd rtlwifi_new sudo make sudo make install sudo modprobe -rv rtl8723be sudo modprobe -v rtl8723be ant_sel=2 echo "options rtl8723be ant_sel=2" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/rtl8723be-ant.conf sudo modprobe -r rtl8723de sudo modprobe rtl8723de ant_sel=2 echo "options rtl8723de ant_sel=2" | sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/rtl8723de-ant.conf Low signal wifi linux fix fix low signal linux fix kali linux wifi signal fix kali wifi install RTL wifi driver linux HP laptop linux wifi driver DELL laptop wifi driver linux

Alternative Widget Translator for blog

Example Translator Languages English Indonesian Afrikaans Albanian Arabic Armenian Azerbaijani Basque Belarusian Bengali Bulgarian Catalan Chinese Croatian Czech Danish Dutch English Esperanto Estonian Filipino Finnish French Galician Georgian German Greek Gujarati Haitian Creole Hebrew Hindi Hungarian Icelandic Indonesian Irish Italian Japanese Kannada Korean Latin Latvian Lithuanian Macedonian Malay Maltese Norwegian Persian Polish Portuguese ...

Bootstrap 4 Auto Progress Bar

Press F12 for console debug requirements: 1. jQuery 2. Bootstrap 4 css 3. Read How to async defer CSS JS perfectly attribute info: countdown = to start countdown data-callback = function name of callback data-warning = bar warning style data-success = bar success style data-base = bar progress style HTML code <div data-callback="fn" countdown="5"></div> <div data-callback="fi" countdown="10"></div> Javascript code var elm = $("[countdown]"); function fc() { console.log("callback Succedeed") } function ctd(elm) { //main function var tl = 0 Live example See the Pen Bootstrap 4 progress bar countdown by dimas lanjaka ( @dimaslanjaka ) on CodePen .

Ads.txt Google Adsense

ads.txt  format for valid adsense example combine ads.txt adsense with other ads:, pub-1037373295371110, DIRECT #video, banner, native, app, 10306, DIRECT #banner, 183963, DIRECT #banner, 184913, DIRECT #banner, 537147789, DIRECT #banner, 538986829, DIRECT #banner, 7161, DIRECT #banner, 3364, RESELLER #native, 1325898517502065, DIRECT #video, banner, app, 87, DIRECT #banner, 688168, DIRECT #native, 4139, DIRECT #native, 11643, DIRECT #outstream, 11445, DIRECT #outstream, pub-8415620659137418, RESELLER #native

Symbol Matematika HTML format

Math Symbols simbol matematika dan penulisan dalam html HTML. Symbol Entity Name Entity Number Description ∀ &forall; &#8704; For all ∂ &part; &#8706; Part ∃ &exist; &#8707; Exist ...

Penulisan Symbol HTML Entities

ASCII simbol Symbol Entity Name Entity Number Description Å’ &OElig; &#338; Uppercase ligature OE Å“ &oelig; &#339; Lowercase ligature OE Å  &Scaron; &#352; Uppercase S with caron ...

Defer loading css js

Cara defer loading javascript atau menunda pemanggilan javascript di blogger Berfungsi untuk : Mempercepat loading blog website / meningkatkan kecepatan loading website blog. Mengurangi ukuran halaman website. Meningkatkan score pagespeed google. Meningkatkan konten yang terlihat. Mempermudah edit template di mobile phone / hape. Menunda javascript berarti benar-benar memuat atau mem-parsing javascript itu hanya dimulai setelah konten halaman dimuat (Artinya tidak akan memengaruhi kecepatan halaman atau jalur render kritis). Menggunakan acara "onload", kami menyebutnya javascript eksternal Javascript eksternal tidak akan dimuat sebelum konten halaman dimuat Javascript eksternal kemudian akan berjalan dan mempengaruhi halaman Penjelasan Menunda javascript adalah salah satu masalah di web yang dapat membuat Anda ingin menarik rambut Anda mencoba mencari solusi . Banyak orang mengatakan "gunakan saja penundaan" atau "gunakan saja async" atau...

How to bulk delete category label from blogger posts

Previous: How to bulk add category label to blogger posts Filter and Select category label you want to remove Select the post that will be removed from the label Select again the selected label from label selector Selected label from the selected posts have been deleted. ( If no posts at that label, the label will be removed automatically from your blog label lists )

How to bulk add category label to blogger posts

At this time I will share, How to move the blogger category Example: We'll move all post label Javascript to JS Filter and Choose the label Select spesific or all filtered posts you want to add label add new category label (Auto Added New label) Done, you've added new label to the selected posts Continue: How to remove category label from blogger posts

[PHP][JS] CryptoJS encrypt decrypt

 CryptoJS encrypt decrypt support PHP 5, PHP 7.x. See the Pen PHP CryptoJS Encrypt Decrypt by dimas lanjaka ( @dimaslanjaka ) on CodePen . Code PHP and details variable [JS] /** * @package */ var salt = 'salt'; //salt var iv = '1111111111111111'; //pass salt minimum length 12 chars var iterations = '999'; //iterations /** * Get key * @param string passphrase * @param string salt */ function getKey(passphrase, salt) { var key = CryptoJS.PBKDF2(passphrase, salt, { hasher: CryptoJS.algo.SHA256, keySize: 64 / 8, iterations: iterations }); return key; } /** * Encrypt function * @param string passphrase * @param string plainText */ function userJSEncrypt(passphrase, plainText) { var key = getKey(pas...

Install google chrome kali linux/debian/etc

open terminal, type:  64 bit wget  32 bit wget wait until download complete, the type:  64 bit dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb  32 bit dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_current_i386.deb then, fix chrome installation and depencies: apt update -y && apt upgrade -y && apt --fix-broken install done, find chrome in app lists, now available. good luck

Default Kali Linux Repositories

open terminal, type : gedit /etc/apt/sources.list add following codes: deb kali-rolling main non-free contrib deb-src kali-rolling main non-free contrib

Turn off the Platform Protection Service Software Program

One time I was playing a game, and running several programs on a Windows 8 laptop. Then the memory was heavy, some of my programs were closed. It's still heavy, then I check the task manager. It turns out that a windows service called sppsvc.exe - Software Platform Protection Service - has consumed as much as 25% of my RAM, constantly. Repeatedly killed with 'end task', the program appears again. Finally I was browsing and found a way to end it. SPPSVC is a Windows program that will be available during Windows Non-Genuine, it is still not activated. Because the way to activate it is difficult to call everything ... But now there are many available Win8 activators, just download and run. Now, how to permanently disable sppsvc, we only need to close it at the startup program. Open Services from the program run >> 'services.msc' Select Software Protection and see if Startup type: Enabled, then change to Disabled. If it can't be selected, try to tur...

Memperbaiki Broken Windows 10 Installation

Tutorial mengatasi windows 10 tanpa kehilangan data (settings, aplikasi, file) GPT MBR both supported Permasalahan / Kendala : Windows 10 tidak bisa booting setelah install dual boot dengan windows versi lama (vista, xp, 7, 8) bootrec /fixboot : access denied bcdedit rebuildbcd the requested system device cannot be found windows 10 wont start code 0xc00000e windows installation but drive letter is changed after update windows 10 or older windows Requirements : Free Disk Min 100GB (untuk jaga-jaga bila ada file dump di windows sebelumnya yang belum terinstall) Bootable Windows 10 (usb/dvd) Internet (untuk update feature, dll *optional) Tata cara: Matikan PC/Laptop, lalu masuk ke BIOS Cari boot settings, disable secure boot , enable legacy boot Set USB/Removable Disk atau DVD/CD  urutan paling atas pada boot lis...

[JS] Remove Object Keys

var thisIsObject= { 'Cow' : 'Moo', 'Cat' : 'Meow', 'Dog' : 'Bark' }; try { delete thisIsObject['Cow']; } catch(e){ thisIsObject.cow = undefined; } //test using developer tools F12 console.log(thisIsObject); Output => {Cat: "Meow", Dog: "Bark"} Wrapping in function for Easy Use function delkey(obj, key){ try { delete obj[key]; } catch(e){ obj[key] = undefined; } return obj; } Test Wrapped function var thisIsObject= { 'Cow' : 'Moo', 'Cat' : 'Meow', 'Dog' : 'Bark' }; //test using developer tools F12 console.log(delkey(thisIsObject, 'Cow')); Output wrapped function => {Cat: "Meow", Dog: "Bark"}

[JS] Extract Hostname From URL STRING

Extract Hostname / Domain  from URL (string) function extractHostname(url) { var hostname; //find & remove protocol (http, ftp, etc.) and get hostname if (url.indexOf("//") > -1) { hostname = url.split('/')[2]; } else { hostname = url.split('/')[0]; } //find & remove port number hostname = hostname.split(':')[0]; //find & remove "?" hostname = hostname.split('?')[0]; return hostname; } //test the code Press F12 console.log("== Testing extractHostname: =="); console.log(extractHostname("")); console.log(extractHostname("")); console.log(extractHostname("")); console.log(extractHostname("")); console.log(extractHostname("ftps://ftp.websitenam...

[JS] Set Timezone

Set timezone javascript without using any plugins const DATE = new Date().toLocaleString('en-US', { timeZone: 'Asia/Jakarta' }); console.log(DATE); //debug document.write(JSON.stringify(DATE)); //debug dynamically print compatible with ANY Javascript

MsmDownloadTool Connect Timeout Solving

The problem is MSMDownloadTool when run on Windows 7 and 10, the "Connect timeout" message appears. See the lower right side of the MSMDownloadTool interface, there is an Unauthorized description that should be Internet / Online . The MSM Download Tool displays Connected information when Oppo A71 2018 CPH1801 is connected to a computer in EDL Mode but the Start button cannot be clicked. Based on experience like the one above, I finally found a solution. Install PDAnet Download the PDAnet installer and install it on your personal Windows computer. After installing try running the MSM Download Tool application. How can number 1 still not work? Continue the second way. 2. Internet LAN Had several times in several computers and had installed all the software correctly (Code Meter, Update Licensing Code Meter, PADnet, even Enable Enforcer) the problem of "connect timeout" still appeared. Even until I have to reinstall the computer incorrectly into Windows 7 64 bi...

[JS] Youtube Video ID URL Parser

Extract video id from youtube URL with javascript function function youtube_parser(url){ var regExp = /^.*((\/)|(v\/)|(\/u\/\w\/)|(embed\/)|(watch\?))\??v?=?([^#\&\?]*).*/; var match = url.match(regExp); if (match&&match[7].length==11) { return match[7]} var regExp2 = /^.*(youtu\.be\/|v\/|u\/\w\/|embed\/|watch\?v=|\&v=)([^#\&\?]*).*/; var match2 = url.match(regExp2); if (match2 && match2[2].length == 11) { return match2[2]; } var regex = /(?:[?&]v=|\/embed\/|\/1\/|\/v\/|https?:\/\/(?:www\.)?youtu\.be\/)([^&\n?#]+)/gm; let m = regex.exec(url); if (m[1].length){ return m[1]; } return url+' --failed--'; } console.clear() var n = [ '', '', ';hl=en_US&amp;rel=0...

[JS][PHP] Membuat Websocket Javascript

Cara membuat websocket dengan Javascript (JS) dan PHP Update: Simple Websocket Requirements: PHP 5.6+ (minimum)  Websocket merupakan standard baru untuk berkomunikasi, dan cocok untuk aplikasi chat, live server, live listener. Hampir sama dengan AJAX namun perbedaannya ada pada kecepatan dan CPU usage pada device client maupun server. Intinya lebih ringan lah. Websocket ini dapat menerima request apapun dan mendistribusikannya secara instant dari perubahan data sebelumnya. Berikut Cara membuat websocket tanpa NODEJS menggunakan Pure Javascript dan PHP: websocket.js /** websocket steam */ var socket; socket_start(); //start websocket function socket_start() { if (!socket) { //if socket is null console.log('WebSocket Started'); //start server socket = socket_server(); } try { socket.onopen = function (msg) { //console.log('socket initialized'); }; socket.onmessage = function (msg) { var data = JSON.parse(; ...

[JS] Google Recaptcha V3 Complete Code

Requirements: jQuery (if not it will automated added into pages)  if (typeof jQuery == 'undefined' || !window.jQuery) { var hs = document.createElement('script'); hs.type = 'text/javascript'; hs.async = true; hs.src = ''; document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(hs); document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(hs); document.head.appendChild(hs); document.body.appendChild(hs); } Recaptcha Site Key And Secret (backend): Get Here //Set site key as global variable const g_site_key = 'YOUR_SITE_KEY'; Main Code: //loader (function () { submitDisable(); download_script(''+g_site_key+'&render=explicit', fun...

[CSS] Disabled Element

*:disabled, *[disabled] { opacity: 0.5; color: #666666; cursor: not-allowed; pointer-events: none; } Example: Disabled Button <button disabled>Disabled Button</button>