
Showing posts from June, 2020

Calculate Swatch Internet Time Codes

PHP 12 bytes: <?php echo date('B'); ?> 48 bytes: <?php echo sprintf("%03d",((time()+3600)%86400)/86.4|0); ?> C,  56 bytes main(){printf("%03d",(int)((time(0)+3600)%86400/86.4));} Explanation: %03d  - tells printf to zero-pad up to 3 digits. time(NULL)+3600  - gets amount of seconds (UTC) elapsed since epoch and adds an hour to it (UTC+1). %86400  - divides epoch by the amount of seconds in a 24hr day and gets the remainder (representing seconds elapsed, so far, "today"). /86.4  - divide remaining seconds by 86.4 to get the ".beat" count since midnight (UTC+1). Compile (MSVC): C:> cl swatch.c Compile (GCC): $ gcc swatch.c Java 143 bytes import  java.time. * ; interface A  {   static void main(String[] a) {     System.out.format("%03.0f" ,"UT+1")).toSecondOfDay() / 86.4);    } } Javascript d=new Date(...