
Showing posts with the label CodeIgniter

How to Multiple Delete With CodeIgniter

In this tutorial I will discuss about how to create Multiple Delete With CodeIgniter , If you guys often use wordpress definitely friends will know, because wordpress apply this in their system. First prepare your codeigniter folder named delete_multiple, Here I assume friends already know how to setup initial CodeIgniter like config.php, autoload.php dll, database.php. We will use the Controller welcome.php default is Codeigniter or at least have followed the basic tutorial of the use of Codeigniter . Read Also: CRUD Tutorial (Create, Read, Update and Delete) With CodeIgniter - Part 1 & Part 2 Next create a database codeigniter_crud , create a student table like the following conditions below sqlnya: -- -- Database: `codeigniter_crud` -- -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for table `siswa` -- CREATE TABLE IF N