
Showing posts with the label Tips & Tricks

PHP array magic trick and manipulations

manipulating multidimensional array using array_map /** * Ilterate multidimensional array simplicity * @desc modify and manipulate or populate multidimensional array with simple tricks * @param array $arr * @param function $callback * @return Array **/ function Map($arr, $callback) { if (!is_callable($callback)) { throw new Exception("Callback must be function", 1); } return array_map(function ($key, $val) use ($callback) { return call_user_func($callback, $key, $val); }, array_keys($arr), $arr); }


Install jQuery Auto Complete and Hinting on VSCode - Required  npm - Syntax Terminal npm i -- save @types / jquery

Project lists for beginner

Movies App (Flutter Project)

Git CLI Delete History Commit

Checkout git checkout --orphan latest_branch Add all the files git add -A Commit the changes git commit -am "commit message" Delete the branch git branch -D master Rename the current branch to master git branch -m master Finally, force update your repository git push -f origin master

Increase Performance Android Studio

Solver 1 You can speed up your Eclipse or Android Studio work, you just follow these: Open your single project clean your project after running your app in emulator every time use mobile/external device instead of emulator don't close emulator after using once, use same emulator for running app each time Disable VCS by using File->Settings->Plugins and disable the following things : CVS Integration Git Integration (Git & Github) Google Cloud Tools for Android Studio Subversion Integration Firebase (Optional) I am also using Android Studio with 4-GB installed main memory but following these statements really boost my Android Studio performance. Solver 2 Android Studio (up to 1.5GB) The IDE's JVM is configured to have a max heap size. You can see this in the lower-right corner of the main interface:

Find Backlink From Google Dork

Forum Backlink Dork inurl:"member.php?u=" inurl:"index.php?showuser=" inurl:"smf/index.php?action=profile;u=" inurl:"index.php?action=profile" inurl:"profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=" inurl:"profile.php?id=" "member.php?u=" "index.php?showuser=" "Invision Power Board" "smf/index.php?action=profile;u=" "index.php?action=profile" "profile.php?mode=viewprofile&u=" "profile.php?id=" "Powered by PunBB" "Powered by SMF" "PHPBB" "Powered by phpBB" inurl:"member.php?u=" inurl:"index.php?showuser=" inurl:"smf/index.php?action=profile;u=" inurl:"index.php?action=profile" forumphorumadd topicnew topicphpbbyabbipbpostingadd messagesend messagepost new topicnew threadsend threadvbulletinbbs intext:"powered by vbulletin" intext:"powered by yabb" intext:&q

Tether VPN Android

How to tethering vpn on android ROOT is required Requirement Terminal Emulator Tutorial Start your VPN until connected Open terminal emulator Type: su ip link show id iptables -t filter -F FORWARD iptables -t nat -F POSTROUTING iptables -t filter -l FORWARD -j ACCEPT iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -j MASQUERADE ip rule del from lookup 61 ip route del default dev tun0 scope link table 61 ip route del dev wlan0 scope link table 61 ip route broadcast dev wlan0 scope link table 61 exit Now connect your other devices to your android hotspot, try browsing any websites now :) Alternative install VPN tethering from play store

Difference Anonymous And High Anonymous Proxy


Earn money from blogs by joining the Influencer Marketplace

Earn Income From Blogs By Joining the Influencer Marketplace - It is undeniable that the vast majority of bloggers are earning income on the internet through blogs. And now more and more are trying to become bloggers with the main goal of making money on the internet. And more and more are also making bloggers as the main occupation or the term as a full time blogger even though bloggers are not / not yet included in the type of work recognized especially in Indonesia. Various reasons that become full time bloggers, one of the reasons is to become a blogger is not limited by work time, do not need enough work uniforms with a collector, and many other reasons. Therefore, now more and more bloggers are popping up who are tempted to easily get money from the internet without being limited by work time or office attendance and do not need to be uniform and will not be scolded by employers. But of course it's not as easy as turning your palm to get money from a blog, but

Glowing Text Loading Animation

Glowing Text Loading Animation CSS body{ margin:0px;padding:0px;background:#262222; } UL{ position: absolute; top:50%; left:50%; display: flex; transform: translate(-50% ,-50%); } ul li{ list-style: none; letter-spacing: 15px; font-size: 5em; font-family: fantasy; color:#484848; animation: ani 1.2s linear infinite; } ul li:nth-child(1){ animation-delay: .2s; } ul li:nth-child(2){ animation-delay: .6s; } ul li:nth-child(3){ animation-delay: .8s; } ul li:nth-child(4){ animation-delay: 1.0s; } ul li:nth-child(5){ animation-delay: 1.4s; } ul li:nth-child(6){ animation-delay: 1.8s; } ul li:nth-child(7){ animation-delay: 1.12s; } @keyframes ani { 0%{ color:#44848; text-shadow: none; } 90%{ color:#44848; text-shadow: none; } 100%{ color:#fff900; text-shadow: 0 0 7px #fff900,0 0 70px #fff123; } } HTML <ul> <li>L</li> <li>O</li> <li>A</li> <li>D</li> <li

Avoid Using The Following Anchor Text In Making Links

Avoid Using Anchor Text Here in Link Creation - There are some anchor text that should be avoided when creating link links in the article. Even the anchor text was marked by the Lighthouse tool as an error that must be corrected. Because of the importance of making the correct anchor text for a link, the Lighthouse tool even marks some anchor text as an error that must be corrected. At present there are only a few words and in several languages, but the possibility will continue to be increased according to languages ​​in the world. The marked anchor text includes: click here click this go here this start right here more learn more And of course for writing Indonesian articles you should avoid using anchor text that has similarities with the anchor text and the like. Anchor text or link text is text that is inside a link that is useful to tell users and search engines like Google something about the linked page. There are 2 types of links

Improve Blog Performance with Cloudflare DNS

Tingkatkan Performa Blog Dengan DNS Cloudflare Increase Blog Performance with Cloudflare DNS - Basically all DNS is the same, namely the function of connecting a domain name with the user's IP so that the domain can be accessed by users. However, each DNS server provider certainly has a different performance, so this affects the speed of a website's response when accessed. So that the speed of this server response needs to be considered also after we increase the blog loading speed by improving the blog template used. And Cloudflare is the best for DNS server performance in the world, and we can use it easily and for free to improve the performance of our blog. Like this Magic Company, even though the blog was deemed fast enough when accessed, it turned out that the server response speed from the domain that I used was quite slow around 250 ms. After I replaced it using DNS Cloudflare, the server response speed was quite high only 1-2 ms, wow .... If you ofte

Curl Error Codes

CURLE_UNSUPPORTED_PROTOCOL (1) The URL you passed to libcurl used a protocol that this libcurl does not support. The support might be a compile-time option that you didn't use, it can be a misspelled protocol string or just a protocol libcurl has no code for. CURLE_FAILED_INIT (2) Very early initialization code failed. This is likely to be an internal error or problem, or a resource problem where something fundamental couldn't get done at init time. CURLE_URL_MALFORMAT (3) The URL was not properly formatted. CURLE_NOT_BUILT_IN (4) A requested feature, protocol or option was not found built-in in this libcurl due to a build-time decision. This means that a feature or option was not enabled or explicitly disabled when libcurl was built and in order to get it to function you have to get a rebuilt libcurl. CURLE_COULDNT_RESOLVE_PROXY (5) Couldn't resolve proxy. The giv

Taktik Pemasaran Media Sosial: 10 Gagasan Yang Sebenarnya Berhasil

Apakah Anda siap untuk mengambil taktik pemasaran media sosial Anda ke tingkat berikutnya? Media sosial dan bisnis tidak dapat dipisahkan. Itulah kenyataan yang kita jalani hari ini. Agar akurat, pemasaran media sosiallah yang sangat diperlukan untuk bisnis dan keberhasilan mereka baik online maupun offline. Sekarang ada sekitar 3,2 miliar pengguna media sosial di seluruh dunia. Angka itu mewakili lebih dari 42% populasi global! Dan dapatkan ini - angka itu hanya akan menjadi lebih besar. Facebook berada di garis depan "revolusi" ini, menjadi platform media sosial yang paling banyak digunakan. Jangan salah, bahwa platform lain seperti Twitter dan Instagram juga berdampak pada bisnis. Jika Anda adalah bisnis kecil atau pemula dengan anggaran yang lebih kecil, Anda ingin memanfaatkan taktik pemasaran media sosial Anda sebaik mungkin. Anda ingin membuat setiap hitungan dolar dan bekerja untuk Anda. Namun, penting bagi Anda untuk memilih platfor