
Url Opener Script Termux

URL Opener Script Termux #!/data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/zsh # # This is a termux-url-opener script to do diffrent tasks on my Android phone # url=$1 echo "What should I do with $url ?" echo "y) download youtube video to movies-folder" echo "u) download youtube video and convert it to mp3 (music-folder)" echo "s) download with scdl (soundcloud)" echo "w) wget file to download-folder" echo "x) nothing" read CHOICE case $CHOICE in y) youtube-dl -o /data/data/com.termux/files/home/storage/shared/Movies/%(title)s.%(ext)s $url ;; u) echo "Artist" read artist echo "Title" read title echo "Album" read album youtube-dl -o ~/storage/music/music.flv $url ffmpeg -i ~/storage/music/music.flv ~/storage/music/$artist-$title.mp3 mid3v2 -a $artist -t $title -A $album ~/storage/music/$artist-$title.mp3 rm ~/storage/music/m...

Asynchronous Loading of External Javascript

INTRODUCTION Loading of external javascript resources (libraries, plugins, widgets) should be done asynchronously, in a non-blocking manner, so the load time of your web-page will not be affected. Thus other resources like images and CSS are not blocked from loading. HTML5 WAY In the past that was possible with help of thedefer attribute, later HTML5 spec introduce the  async  attribute. <script src="//" async> </script> PROGRAMATICALLY WAY Dynamically you can create  script  tag and inject it into the DOM. <script type="text/javascript"> (function() { var script = document.createElement("script"); script.type = "text/javascript"; script.async = true; script.src = "//"; (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(script); })(); </script> ...

How to Enable Ads.txt on Blogger

After yesterday Google introduced the  Search Console Beta version  , now Google added  Ads.txt on Blogger  .   What is Ads.txt? Ads.txt  is an initiative of the  Interactive Advertising Bureau Tech Lab (IAB)  to promote and improve transparency in program advertising.   This is an easy way for Adsense publishers to clearly point out to authorized buyers to sell their inventory.   Actually for Blogger Ads.txt already existed but now you can edit Ads.txt as you wish and for you who get this warning message like this Your earnings are at risk - One or more of your ads.txt files does not contain the AdSense publisher ID.   Fix this issue right now to avoid having a serious impact on your revenue. On the  Google Adsense  dashboard, Google suggests you to enable Ads.txt on your blog.   How to Enable Ads.txt on Blogger? To enable Ads.txt on Blogger, you can set it in  Blogger Dashboard  >...

Private Vainglory 28 February 2018

VG Private Battle (20:00 Wib) Tim A 1. 2.figo05 3. Tim B 1. 2. 3. Spectator 1. DerWORTHLESS 2.xNopalx 3. Danydwi 4. 5. L3n4r0x VG Private Battle (21:00 Wib) Tim A 1. 2. 3.ICEFROG25 Tim B 1.abdulajis 2.BigMama07 Ddragonoid Spectator 1.DerWORTHLESS 2. xNopalx 3. 4.Acedia69 5. L3n4r0x Add Host: L3n4r0x Info: *HADIR PADA WAKTUNYA*. *YT Channel*: _ (Live) *Grup*: WA: Discord:

Privatebattle 26 February 2018

VG Private Battle (20:00 Wib) Tim A 1. Mamskid 2. abdulajis 3. Hanif17(roamer) Tim B 1.Hadifadillah 2. L3n4r0x 3. sogolarmy Spectator 1.XMAN23 2.figo05 3.sobeh 4. 5. VG Private Battle (21:00 Wib) Tim A 1. DerWORTHLESS 2. abdulajis 3. BigMama08 Tim B 1. L3n4r0x 2. Anbustra 3. Ddragonoid Spectator 1. Hanif17 2. saggaf5 3. reonalprendika 4. sobeh 5. VG Private Battle (22:00 Wib) Tim A 1. L3n4r0x 2. Hanif17(roamer) 3. sogolarmy 4. ASHTER93 5. DeriiVG Tim B 1. DerWORTHLESS (Carry/Jung) 2. ComicSaver 3. Apriannur007 4. PleaseHateMe 5. BorneoBar Spectator 1.reonalprendika 2. 3. 4. 5. Add Host: L3n4r0x Info: *HADIR PADA WAKTUNYA*. *Grup*: WA: Discord: *Live Channel*: ~ ~ (No Live)

[PHP] Function Helper For file_get_contents()

Description Of file_get_contents Source Description: PHP.NET (PHP 4 >= 4.3.0, PHP 5, PHP 7) file_get_contents — Reads entire file into a string Description ¶ string file_get_contents ( string $filename [, bool $use_include_path = FALSE [, resource $context [, int $offset = 0 [, int $maxlen ]]]] ) This function is similar to file() , except that file_get_contents() returns the file in a string , starting at the specified offset up to maxlen bytes. On failure,file_get_contents() will return FALSE . file_get_contents() is the preferred way to read the contents of a file into a string. It will use memory mapping techniques if supported by your OS to enhance performance. Note: If...

[PHP] Function get_meta_tags() Helper

Description Of get_meta_tags Source Description: PHP.NET (PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7) get_meta_tags — Extracts all meta tag content attributes from a file and returns an array Description ¶ array get_meta_tags ( string $filename [, bool $use_include_path = FALSE ] ) Opens filename and parses it line by line for <meta> tags in the file. The parsing stops at </head> . Parameters ¶ filename The path to the HTML file, as a string. This can be a local file or an URL . Example #1 What get_meta_tags()parses <meta name="author" content=...