
Remove all objects in an arraylist that exist in another arraylist Java

ArrayList<String> firstArr = new ArrayList<>(); firstArr.add("1"); firstArr.add("2"); firstArr.add("3"); // array/list to be removed from firstArr ArrayList<String> filterArr = new ArrayList<>(); filterArr.add("1"); filterArr.add("3"); // filter now filterArr.removeAll(blockedArr); // Dump System.out.println(filterArr.toString); // output 1 and 3

build.gradle with custom repository

Fix missing dependencies from your gradle project (android, maven, etc) with this build.gradle. insert into YOUR_PROJECT_GRADLE/build.gradle // Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules. buildscript { repositories { maven { url "" } jcenter() maven { url "" } maven { url "" } maven { url "" } maven { url "" } mavenCentral() mavenLocal() } dependencies { classpath '' } } allprojects { repositories { maven { url "" } jcenter() maven { url "" } maven { url "" ...

Fix React Native error Invalid regular expression: /(.*\\__fixtures__

If you Got this issue today on windows, but don't need to downgrade node, just as discussed on stackoverflow just need to change some hashes on your project: node_modules\react-native\packager\blacklist.js var sharedBlacklist = [ /node_modules[/\\]react[/\\]dist[/\\].*/, /website\/node_modules\/.*/, /heapCapture\/bundle\.js/, /.*\/__tests__\/.*/ ]; Change to: var sharedBlacklist = [ /node_modules[\/\\]react[\/\\]dist[\/\\].*/, /website\/node_modules\/.*/, /heapCapture\/bundle\.js/, /.*\/__tests__\/.*/ ];

Cara mengetahui produk android melalui fastboot

reboot ke fastboot mode ketik fastboot devices fastboot getvar product

Calculate Swatch Internet Time Codes

PHP 12 bytes: <?php echo date('B'); ?> 48 bytes: <?php echo sprintf("%03d",((time()+3600)%86400)/86.4|0); ?> C,  56 bytes main(){printf("%03d",(int)((time(0)+3600)%86400/86.4));} Explanation: %03d  - tells printf to zero-pad up to 3 digits. time(NULL)+3600  - gets amount of seconds (UTC) elapsed since epoch and adds an hour to it (UTC+1). %86400  - divides epoch by the amount of seconds in a 24hr day and gets the remainder (representing seconds elapsed, so far, "today"). /86.4  - divide remaining seconds by 86.4 to get the ".beat" count since midnight (UTC+1). Compile (MSVC): C:> cl swatch.c Compile (GCC): $ gcc swatch.c Java 143 bytes import  java.time. * ; interface A  {   static void main(String[] a) {     System.out.format("%03.0f" ,"UT+1")).toSecondOfDay() / 86.4);    } } Javascript d=new Date(...

Linux Clear Cache

#!/bin/bash #clean page cache #sync #echo 1 >/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches #clean dentries and inodes #sync #echo 2 >/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches #clean page cache and dentries inodes, but it is not recommended in production instead use "echo 1" #sync #echo 3 >/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches ################## # begin refresh script ################## sync if [ $(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}' polipo 2>/dev/null | grep -c "ok installed") -eq 0 ]; then apt-get install polipo -y fi polipo -x echo 3 >/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches swapoff -a && swapon -a printf '\n%s\n\n' 'Ram-cache and Swap Cleared' /opt/lampp/xampp restart free -h this script used for better performance your vps (LINUX). fix apache slow response fix xampp web server slow fix overload ram vps fix mysqld overheat fix java machine overheat ram

Android Studio Fix Issues

Unsupported Modules Detected in Android Studio File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart. Close the project and Android Studio. Remove the .idea directory and all .iml files. Reopen Android Studio and import your project. If it doesn't help could you please try to reproduce this issue on the empty project and let me know about results.