
Make Blog Become a Mobile-Friendly

Make Blog Become a Mobile-Friendly How to Make a Blog For Mobile Friendly and SEO - After the latest algorithms of search engine google mobilegeddon officially launched on 21april 2015, then to face the latest algorithm google mobilegeddon such, would not want any blog or website must support mobile devices (mobile friendly), if not then it will affect the ranking of pages in google search results become increasingly better, this is one powerful reason to be mobile friendly blog, because the algorithm Geddon mobile user entering a mobile factor as one of the 200+ google ranking factors newest, meaning that mobile friendly blog will be SEO and search engines will prioritize the blog that supports mobile devices or mobile user to occupy the best positions in the search results page (SERP), if by chance the blog you have not mobile-friendly to date, it is advisable to immediately modify or activate a template mobile version on your blog. T

Cara menambah syntax highlighter dengan prettyprint di blog tanpa mengurangi kecepatan loading website 100% Work Tested

Bagaimana cara menambah syntax highlighter dengan prettyprint tanpa mengurangi waktu response loading blog. Nah kali ini saya akan membagikan script syntax highlighter untuk blog tanpa mengurangi kecepatan website sedikitpun. Bisa untuk blogger wordpress joomla drupal dan lainnya. Ga pake lama ini dia script nya: <script>function loadCSS(e,t,a){var n=window.document.createElement("link"),o=t||window.document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];n.rel="stylesheet",n.href=e,"only x",o.parentNode.insertBefore(n,o),setTimeout(function(){||"all"})}function loadPrettyPrint(e){var t=document.createElement("script");t.src="";var a=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],n=!1;t.onload=t.onreadystatechange=function(){n||this.readyState&&"loaded"!=this.readyState&&"complete"!=t

Cara defer multiple external file js

Teknik Defer loading multiple external javascript untuk mengurangi loading website secara dramatis. Nah kali ini saya akan share bagaimana cara mengurangi loading website meskipun mempunyai banyak eksternal javascript. Langkah: 1. Backup dulu template anda bila memakai CMS Blogger, Yang lainnya backup file asli yang akan di terapkan teknik defer ini. 2. Cut semua eksternal javascript (kecuali pemanggil jquery misal: bila theme atau template anda menggunakan framework yang menggantungkan jquery, misal blogger template EVO MAGZ buatan Mas Sugeng.). Lalu paste di notepad. Lalu buat kode berikut ini : <script type="text/javascript"> function downloadJSAtOnload() {  (function(scripts) {    var i = 0,     l = scripts.length;   for (; i<l; ++i ){    var element = document.createElement("script");    element.src = scripts[i];    document.body.appendChild(element);   }  })([ 'http://yo

4 Strategies to Compete in First-Class Blog To Increase traffic

4 Strategies to Compete in First-Class Blog To Increase traffic Your blog traffic is largely determined by the quality of the articles that you create and also the title of the article, there are two alternatives to choose from when developing the title, choose keywords title with a number of little or choose a title search of the keyword or keywords that are popular'm really have that much interest in, any keywords you choose to you develop to become the title of the article then certainly the most have the potential to bring a lot of traffic to your blog is memililih keywords that have search many levels. However the keywords as it is not a keyword that easily could just bring a lot of traffic to your blog, because generally popular keywords that have high levels of high searches are usually the competition is quite tough, so you should be able to compete with blogs board who already popular and has a good authority in the eyes of search engi

How to Utilize Browser Caching

How to Utilize Browser Caching To increase page loading and rendering speed up the blog, a method is to use browser caching. what profits of exploitation browser caching? the primary benefit is to reduce the interval of the server. that means that it uses caching to speed up loading pagespeed journal. How to speed up a blog score of pagespeed insight ? Read here: a way to speed up page loading insight pagespeed journal with google . Back to a way to make the most of browser caching on the blog. What it pengetian cache? Cache may be a set of information to be hold on as copies of the first data. occasional storage cache information is typically done to the information that has to be calculated or obtained by a special method so we have a tendency to don't got to perform difficult calculations or procedures repeatedly when the information are going to be used.

How to Remove a URL ERROR Automatically on blogger

How to Remove a URL ERROR Blog Automatically you may never experiencing an error in the blog url that many hundreds. to see it, we can see it in the webmaster. With many crawl errors. you may be able to remove the url that the error by the webmaster, but what if the error banayak the hundreds. certainly exhausting not delete one by one url error. for that I will give way to remove or prevent indexing error on the blog url. URL ERROR Why error URL lot on your blog? error url mostly because we remove content or page us..and still much to cause many errors in the blog url. why should mengapus url error? the reason is very simple because the more url errors that affect the health of your blog, if many errors indexed url on your blog that your blog could be ignored by the search engines which lead your visitors dropped dramatically. so keep your blog clean of everything that is related to the word error

How to load external JS throug JS

How to load/import external javascript/jquery through js file. In the event that you need to incorporate a JS document in a JS you can utilize jQuery for that $.getScript('another_file.js', function() { //script is loaded and executed put your dependent JS here }); Also, in the event that you can't utilize jQuery var imported = document.createElement('script'); imported.src = '/path/to/imported/script'; document.head.appendChild(imported); Are this article be help you ?. Please share this article.