AMP Social Share for Blogger

AMP Social Share for Blogger - Updated (Twitter, Google, Facebook & Whatsapp)

Social Media & SEO

Why should you think about Social Media when designing your blog's SEO strategy? Social Media is the new SEO, an important part of a Brand’s online presence. Let me explain the how part?

SEARCH part- People nowadays use social media channels to find the latest news on the topic they're most interested in. For example, People active on Twitter can possibly discover their favorite blog's newest content just by searching for tweets with Twitter’s search engine.
SEO part - The number of times a blog's page has been retweeted on social media help search engines understand that the blog is credible and should be ranked for keyword phrases. This is how social link can boost your blog's search rank, when implemented properly.

Step 1: Create Social profiles to boost SEO

Social Media & Blogger

How to get the foremost out your web log posts on social media? Social media sharing isn't as straightforward as everybody imagines it to be. It needs quite an little bit of effort to try to to quite merely sharing each web log post on social media and implementing social sharing buttons on your web log..
Identify your target readers then establish the social networks that your readers like.
  • Twitter : establish relevant and well-liked hashtags for your web log post.
  • FaceBook : Blogs ought to have their own Facebook page and share posts with teams.
  • Google+ : be part of relevant Google+ communities and share your web log post.
Step 2: Implement Social sharing to get the most out of Blogging


How can Google AMP have an effect on search results? a much better, quicker mobile internet is best for each users and publishers.
Google says four-hundredth of users can abandon any web site that takes over three seconds to load. traditional mobile pages typically take a minimum of eight seconds to load.
AMP is Google's straightforward manner for publishers to distribute content on the open internet. AMP continues to be not a Google ranking factor(yet!) however it will still have an effect on impressions, clicks, & user expertise, this may successively have an effect on SEO.

Step 3: think about AMP to remain in trend with the Blogging world.


What makes your blog's mobile pages load slowly? Imagine this scenario -
Your blog gets pulled into a mobile browser → Several dozens of packets of information (Scripts for social shares, images, videos and more..) get called from different hosts → However costly the mobile device is, it may not have the processing power to load a desktop site in a blink → Mobile screen bounces as the browser sets and resets repeatedly → You need to redesign your blog specifically for mobile.
Here comes AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) with all the specified facilitate.

Step 4: Actualize Social partake in your AMP Blogger and Increment site hits drastically.

Code for Social Media Buttons

Step 1: The amp-social-share part can have to be compelled to be supplementary within the header.
<script async='async' src="" custom-element="amp-social-share" ></script>
Step 2: Add a Layout contrivance component and introduce this code.
<div id='social-share'><br/>
<amp-social-share height='35' type='twitter' width='35'/>
<amp-social-share height='35' type='email' width='35'/>
<amp-social-share height='35' type='gplus' width='35'/>
<amp-social-share data-param-app_id='APP_ID' expr:data-param-href='data:blog.canonicalUrl' height='35' type='facebook' width='35'/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.isMobileRequest'>
<amp-social-share height='35' type='whatsapp' width='35' data-share-endpoint='whatsapp://send' expr:data-param-text='&quot;Checkout - &quot; + data:blog.pageTitle + data:blog.canonicalUrl'/>

Parting Note - get on social media — even once it isn't driving traffic as a result of simply payment time on social media platforms is good way to forge relationships. sustain on trade News and realize Inspiration for your next web log post.


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