Responsive AMP Social Sharing Button
I also share responsive AMP social sharing buttons for Blogger AMP HTML.
Responsive AMP social sharing button is quite complete ie the share button for Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Whatsapp, SMS, and Email, Adding BBM and Whatsapp Here Tutorial.
If you want to try installing it yourself, please follow the steps below.
Please save the js amp-social-share code above </ head>
Then add this Css into your Template.
Then Search this code:
then save this code below </b:includable>
Then please save the code below where you want to display the share button.
So article about how to create responsive social sharing button on the amp / Responsive Amp Social Sharing Button, hopefully this article useful
If you want to try installing it yourself, please follow the steps below.
Please save the js amp-social-share code above </ head>
Then add this Css into your Template.
Then Search this code:
<b:includable id='shareButtons' var='post'> ............ ............ ............ </b:includable>
then save this code below </b:includable>
Then please save the code below where you want to display the share button.
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'> <b:include data='post' name='share-tool'/> </b:if>
So article about how to create responsive social sharing button on the amp / Responsive Amp Social Sharing Button, hopefully this article useful
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