Film Brings In Grave The Movie (2007) Subtitle Indonesia Movie
film beranak dalam kubur the movie (2007) subtitle indonesia movie
Watching Online Movies Gives Birth in the Tomb of The Movie (2007) Indonesian Subtitles - Jessy (Adytia Putri), Jovan (Revand T Narya), Titaz (Dinda Kanya Dewi), Kaila (Shalvynne), and Brian (Siran), are medical students who are following observation program for anatomy practical in a hospital. They find a mortuary that is not used any longer. The empty mortuary actually hides a woman body. Since they entered the mortuary, they experience many mysterious terrors. It started with the awakening of a body in the anatomy room. The body changes into the women body that they find the empty mortuary.
Cast: | Aditya Putri , Dinda Kanyadewi , Julia Perez , Revand T Narya |
Director: | Adji Saputra , Freddy Lingga |
Country: | Indonesia |
Release: |
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