Film Danur 2: Maddah (2018) Subtitle Indonesia Movie

film danur 2: maddah (2018) subtitle indonesia movie

Watch Danur Film 2: Maddah (2018) Indonesian Subtitles - Film Danur 2 Maddah continues the story of Risa (Prilly Latuconsina) who has 3 ghost friends namely Peter (Gamaharitz), William (Alexander Bain) and Jhansen (Kevin Bzezovski). Now Risa lives with her sister, Riri (Sandrina Michelle) who is embarrassed by Risa's ability to see a ghost.

Especially now that they are only temporarily living alone because his mother accompanied his father to work abroad, Malaysia. His uncle's family, Ahmad (Bucek) has just moved to Bandung with his wife, Tina (Sophia Latjuba) and also his son, Angki (Shawn Adrian). Risa and Riri often visit even stay at the house of om Ahmad and aunt Tina.

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Film Danur 2: Maddah (2018) Subtitle Indonesia Movie


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