Lazy load images blogger

Lazy load images blogger
Lazy load images blogger

    lazy loading blogger berguna untuk :
  1. Mempercepat laman web
  2. Meningkatkan rating pagespeed
HTML (Usage)
<img alt='' data-src='' src=''/>
  • src='' : source gambar dengan resolusi paling rendah
  • data-src='' : source gambar asli
JS (taruh diatas </body>)
const config = {
  rootMargin: '0px 0px 50px 0px',
  threshold: 0
const imgs = document.querySelectorAll('[data-src]');

if (typeof intersectionObserver != 'undefined') {
  // register the config object with an instance
  // of intersectionObserver
  let observer = new intersectionObserver(function (entries, self) {
    // iterate over each entry
    entries.forEach(entry => {
      // process just the images that are intersecting.
      // isIntersecting is a property exposed by the interface
      if (entry.isIntersecting) {
        // custom function that copies the path to the img
        // from data-src to src
        // the image is now in place, stop watching
  }, config);
  imgs.forEach(img => {
} else {
  imgs.forEach(img => {

function preloadImage(e) {
  var a = e.getAttribute('src'), b = e.getAttribute('data-src');
  if (b.trim() != ''){
    e.src = b.trim();

See the Pen Pure javascript lazy load images by dimas lanjaka (@dimaslanjaka) on CodePen.


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