How to download from Google Drive (
Cara Download melalui Google Drive ( - Website Development Indonesia
[ Website Development Indonesia ] - Lately, there have been so many questions asked to us about the status of download links that are always problematic ranging from dead links, slow speeds, download limits, and some even accuse us of making web phishing to steal visitor accounts. As we all know, Google Drive is a file hoster that we use because it provides a very fast download speed . However, everything that is good is always lacking . Yep, of course you often find the google drive link that is affected, right? It's not just visitors who hate this, we are the same. Reuploading files that are affected by the link limit is very troublesome because the files that are affected by the limit are very many. The limit occurred because too many are downloading files on our Google Drive account.
The limit is very common, especially if the file you want to download is very busy . For that, we made the Sedot.CLUB platform as a sharer google drive . is our solution so that no such limits occur again . How does it work?
How to Download via Google Drive (
When the link is opened, you will be told to log in first. You will log in using your Google Drive account. Why use a Google Drive account? Because will copy files from our Google Drive account to your Google Drive account so that there will be no more limits
Make sure the Google Drive account you use for login storage is still sufficient to store the file you want to download. If there isn't enough storage, first delete the files in your Google Drive account. Don't forget to delete the files that are already on the Trash, because the files inside the Trash are still counted in your Google Drive Storage (IMPORTANT !!)
After logging in, reopen the link that you want to download earlier, then click Download
Wait a few moments until the Google Drive download link appears! If an "File size exceeded" error occurs, it means that your Google Drive storage is insufficient. You must delete the files stored in your Google Drive account first.
If an error occurs as below, open the homepage then re-login!
May be useful :)
Regards, Admin - FREE31
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