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Weapons are one of the most important elements in durango games, whatever we do in the game definitely requires weapons. whether it's fighting, taming dinosaurs, collecting materials to make items done with weapons and tools. therefore almost most of the durango players end up choosing wpc as their main job. but there are many things you need to know in making weapons, one of them is a buff. there are many types of buffs for weapons in this game, all buffs are divided into 3 ie buff (marked in yellow) debuff (marked by ash) rare buff (marked in green). well this time we will discuss the yellow and gray buff, for the green buff I have previously discussed so you can directly read it by clicking the link below. Read: Type of green buffer type and its effect durango wild lands Buff from raw materials ...
Packages are manually installed via the dpkg command (Debian Package Management System). dpkg is the backend to commands like apt-get and aptitude , which in turn are the backend for GUI install apps like the Software Center and Synaptic. Something along the lines of: dpkg --> apt-get , aptitude --> Synaptic, Software Center But of course the easiest ways to install a package would be, first, the GUI apps (Synaptic, Software Center, etc..), followed by the terminal commands apt-get and aptitude that add a very nice user friendly approach to the backend dpkg, including but not limited to packaged dependencies, control over what is installed, needs update, not installed, broken packages, etc.. Lastly the dpkg command which is the base for all of them. Since dpkg is the base, you can use it to install packaged directly from the command line. Install a package sudo dpkg -i DEB_PACKAGE For ...
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