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Manfaatkan Google Question Hub Untuk Mendapatkan Ide Menulis

Take advantage of the Google Question Hub to Get Writing Ideas - Nowadays Google as one of the largest search engines in the world seems to have a great responsibility to be able to answer all the questions of the inhabitants of this earth.

Now Google is not only a search engine, but also an answering machine. Yes ... Google has now become an answering machine for all questions raised by people around the world.

Especially now that almost everyone has a cellphone connected to the internet, the world is at hand.

Men, women, old, young, and even children can access the internet world only with their cellphones.

Work, shop, watch a movie, socialize the media, even play games to just get rid of giddiness.

Besides all that, now users can also easily ask questions to the "internet" if there is something they don't understand or don't know about.

For this reason, Google is now expanding its work to not only answer questions written in the Google search box, but also questions that users have said.

For this reason, Google has developed a tool that helps answer user questions submitted verbally such as Google Assistent and Google Home.

But of course Google can't always answer all the questions correctly if there isn't an appropriate source of answer, or if the question is in the wrong sentence or spelling.

Because not all users understand how to use the search engine to get the right answer.

So that Google can only provide recommendations for answers that are still related to the questions asked.

And now this allows more and more questions that Google might not be able to answer, because maybe the questions are childish, personal, innocent. innocent, honest, and so on.

For example: "Why is my washing machine broken when it's only been used a few times?" or "how to fix a TV that doesn't work?" and certainly many more questions like that that Google might not be able to answer.

Never mind Google, we ourselves are confused to answer it, right?

Google Launches Question Hub

Now to overcome questions like that for which Google could not answer, now the Google Question Hub is being made.

The Question Hub was created to collect "unanswered" questions like the one above sent by users on Google search.

Google then arranged to group these questions by topic to make them easier to find and then gave them to publishers to answer.

So that publishers like bloggers and web journalists can answer these questions by creating content that can answer questions better and show them. So the content will be more relevant and more useful.

How to use the Google Question Hub

To start using the Google Question Hub, we can access it at this Question Hub link.

Then please log in with your Google Search Console account, then we must link the account to our site properties that have been verified in Search Console.

Why use a Search Console account?

Because later we will give access rights to the Question Hub to access our site data to show the performance of our content after answering questions in the Question Hub. So that we will know better whether our content "sells" or even no one accesses it.

On the Question Hub page, please select the category of questions that suits your blog niche or something that you are familiar with. Then next, please choose a more specific topic.

By default, the Question Hub will display 10 questions related to the topic.

My advice, do not always buy up the topic, but first select a topic then please refer to the question. If there is anything that can be answered and you think is quite interesting, then please answer the question by creating content on your blog then show the URL of the post. If it turns out that previously there is an appropriate post, then just save the post URL.

For questions that are not interesting or cannot be answered, please reject the questions.

Then please choose another topic to find questions that we can answer.

And surely you will be amazed by the questions that we did not expect before, maybe you will smile yourself, hehehe ....

Like the following about television shows.

Click image to enlarge. Click Esc on the keyboard to return.

Benefits of the Google Question Hub for Bloggers

With this Question hub, of course it's very beneficial for bloggers. We can get keywords that are really sought after by visitors.

We no longer guess whether the keywords we use really have a search or not.

Because the keywords of these questions are indeed asked by users.

And another advantage, we also of course will get a backlink from that page for the URL that we put when answering questions.

So double the benefits that we get from the Google Question Hub, which is we get the idea of ​​writing our posts and also we at the same time get quality backlinks from Google.

Let's start answering questions in the Question Hub!

You can also listen and watch the video that I made for how to use the Google Question Hub to get the following writing ideas.

Use the Google Question Hub to Get Writing Ideas


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