
Showing posts with the label Share

How To Embed Blogger Video Iframe To Be Responsive

How to Embed Blogger's Iframe Video to Be Responsive - Actually the video uploaded on Blogger doesn't need to be responsive because it's displayed with a size of 320x266 so that it can be safe on all device sizes. But of course it makes it less comfortable watching the video when watched via a PC or laptop because of the small embed video size. So if we embed an iframe video uploaded on Blogger to be responsive, this will be better because the video can appear full according to the width of the posting page and to suit all device sizes. Actually, before this I have shared how to embed videos that are uploaded on Blogger using video elements to be responsive , but it seems that now the trick is not working anymore. So now I share the trick to embed videos uploaded on Blogger to be responsive using iframe or amp-iframe elements so that this is the same as embed Youtube videos. Videos uploaded in Blogger posts must have a maximum size of 100MB, if the size of

Related Post Blogger Support WEBP

Related Post Blogger Support WEBP Related Blogger Post Support WEBP - After the previous post we got a solution for Blogger thumbnails to support WEBP image format, now then we will make related posts also support WEBP. Because in related posts we also display thumbnail images as well, so this also causes problems when checked in Pagespeed Insights and Lighthouse, namely the problem of Serve images in next-gen formats and Defer offscreen images. One related post that I use is a related post made by mas Taufik from DTE because it is easy to modify. For that, we will slightly modify the related post so as not to cause problems in Pagespeed Insights and Lighthouse with the use of WEBP images and lazyload. Like thumbnails of Bloggers who support WEBP , we also use Statically Imgpx to change Blogger images in related posts to support WEBP and by using Lazysizes.js to change the URL of the image as well as to lazyload the image. For the demo, you can check the following dem

4 Ways To Order Instagram Flood Orders

4 Cara Supaya Instagram Banjir Order 4 Ways To Order Instagram Flood Orders - Want Instagram Flood Orders? Let's find out the secret here! Guaranteed best-selling merchandise sweet! Who doesn't want Instagram to flood orders? The more buyers, the more profit you can get. In addition, this also proves that the products you sell are preferred by consumers. However, it is not easy to gain consumer confidence. Not to mention coupled with a fairly high level of competition. Nevertheless, the opportunity for success is still wide open. Provided, you can attract potential customers. Remember, no matter how many followers on Instagram, if the product you offer is not able to attract buyers, it is very difficult to achieve the target you want. Conversely, if the product you sell can attract consumers, then you can get profits and new followers. Easy Tips For Instagram Flood Order So that your business can run smoothly and quickly return on investment , it

Cloudflare Basic Guide

Panduan Dasar Cloudflare This article is a complete basic guide about Cloudflare as the flagship CDN among web developers. You will get a clear understanding of what CDN itself is, what is Cloudflare and what are its features and advantages. Not only that, we will also provide the initial steps to create a Cloudflare account for your website. What is Cloudflare? CloudFlare is a Content Delivery Network service (commonly referred to by the abbreviation CDN) and also a Web Security service. You can get this service from Cloudflare easily and the tariff is free. This cloudflare can actually be said to be a superior CDN when compared to the general CDN. This is because Cloudflare is able to provide maximum service. Cloudflare itself has a variety of packages namely Pro, Business, and Enterprise. But, what exactly is the CDN itself? CDN is a system that will provide content quickly to end users and this is on various data centers on the internet. Content distri

Complete the External Link immediately with the Noopener Rail

If you add an external link in the template or in the post and use the target="_blank" attribute, then immediately complete the rel="noopener" on the links. Looks like this is still not much known by bloggers (including me who just found out hehehe ...). When we link other web pages to our blog page using target="_blank" , the new page process that runs in the browser's new window is the same as our page process. If the new page is executing heavy JavaScript, then the performance of our blog pages can also be affected. Oops ... it turned out to be so impactful ... The target="_blank" attribute on external links is also vulnerable. The new page has access to the window object through window.opener , and can direct our page to a different URL using window.opener.location = newURL . For that, please fix the external link that uses target="_blank" on your blog by adding the rel="noopener" like the

Ideal Frequency For Blog Articles Update

Do we have to write articles every day on the blog? Maybe this question has crossed many bloggers. I, as someone new to the blogging world, often look for answers to these questions. Update articles with new content is indeed mandatory by blog admins to ensure their blogs do not lose their loyal readers by presenting quality writing. From the other side, too often posting articles also has a bad impact because we have to prepare interesting material and quality writing for readers . What happens if we rarely write articles on blogs? The answer to this question depends on everyone how they work to take care of their own site. But some problems that will arise if you rarely update the article on the blog are serious enough, at him: Blog followers will not find any value if you follow you because you rarely write articles for them. You know for yourself that their main goal in following your blog is to get quality articles from you easily. But if you rarely upda

How to download from Google Drive (

Cara Download melalui Google Drive ( - Website Development Indonesia [ Website Development Indonesia ] - Lately, there have been so many questions asked to us about the status of download links that are always problematic ranging from dead links, slow speeds, download limits, and some even accuse us of making web phishing to steal visitor accounts. As we all know, Google Drive is a file hoster that we use because it provides a very fast download speed . However, everything that is good is always lacking . Yep, of course you often find the google drive link that is affected, right? It's not just visitors who hate this, we are the same. Reuploading files that are affected by the link limit is very troublesome because the files that are affected by the limit are very many. The limit occurred because too many are downloading files on our Google Drive account. The limit is very common, especially if the file you want to download is very busy . For that

Mengatasi XAMMP mysql table db error must be repaired

Mengatasi XAMMP mysql table db error must be repaired (WINDOWS 7,8,10) Buka CMD Ketik Command berikut (satu per satu): cd c:\ [enter] cd c:\xammp\mysql\bin [enter] .\mysqlcheck -u root -p --auto-repair --check --all-databases [enter] Selesai

The Latest Way to Speed Up Loading Adsense Ads

The Latest Way to Speed ​​Up Loading Adsense Ads - By default for Adsense ads that use asynchronous ads will appear after all page elements are loaded. If the loading page is slow, then loading Adsense ads will be even slower. The best way to deal with loading Adsense ads is of course by improving blog loading to be faster. The faster the blog page loads, the faster Adsense ads will appear. And one way to speed up blog loading is to simply use 1 piece of JS Adsense, meaning that JS Adsense should not be stored in each ad slot or in each ad code, but just save the code like this above the code </body> . <script async='async' src='//'/> That way, the browser will load an JS Adsense only so that page loading becomes faster. Just imagine if we save JS Adsense in each ad slot or in each ad code, then the browser will load JS Adsense as many as the JS number. And now I will share the la

38 Alasan Mengapa Anda Membutuhkan Seorang Ahli Media Sosial Untuk Bisnis Anda

Selamat datang di abad ke-21, di mana mobil self-driving tidak lagi menjadi fantasi sci-fi yang jauh, anak-anak memiliki smartphone di pra-sekolah, dan untuk memiliki bisnis yang sukses, Anda HARUS berada di media sosial! Apakah Anda memiliki pakar media sosial tentang staf atau outsourcing ke agen , pemasaran media sosial sangat penting untuk keberhasilan bisnis modern apa pun. Saat Anda menyewa seorang ahli media sosial, Anda merekrut seseorang dengan serangkaian keahlian beragam yang memiliki kekuatan untuk membawa bisnis Anda ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi. Berikut adalah 38 alasan mengapa setiap bisnis membutuhkan pakar media sosial: 1. Penjualan / Prospek: Tujuan akhir dari setiap strategi pemasaran adalah menghasilkan lebih banyak uang. Pakar media sosial sangat terampil dalam mengubah pengikut menjadi pelanggan. 75% perusahaan yang memasarkan produk mereka di media sosial melaporkan peningkatan penjualan dalam 12 bulan. Selanjutnya, 74% konsumen menggunakan m