
Showing posts with the label Social Media

Simple Recent Posts Blogger Plus Thumbnails

Installing a recent post widget is one way to minimize bounce rate blog by providing information for the latest posts on readers. With so readers will easily find the most warm posts on the blog. Many kinds of recent post widgets like recent posts or recent carousel shaped posts. Well this time I will share a blogger widget recent posts are quite simple and stored in the sidebar blog. In addition to simple, recent posts widget has a fairly light loading, so you need to try also hehehe ... Demo If you are interested to try it, please follow the steps below. Please save the following CSS code above </head> code (you may need to customize some sections to customize it to the theme you are using). <style> /*<![CDATA[*/ ul#recent-posts{width:100%;margin:0 auto;padding:0!important;list-style-type:none} ul#recent-posts li{background:#FFF;padding:0!important;margin-bottom:10px;overflow:hidden;width:100%;height:auto;-webkit-box-shadow:2px 2px 3px rgba(0,0,0,.05);-o-

How to reproduce like on fanpage facebook

How to reproduce like on fanpage facebook  ?? This question may often arise when we create a fan page on facebook.   What's so good to see the fanpage that the likers are our own ??   Like a house without occupants .. let alone in pairs on the blog ??   Waduh .. shy - maluin ...   Therefore, this time we will love to know how to reproduce like fanpage buddy.   To my knowledge there are 2 ways that I think is powerful to add like facebook fan page.   The first one that I think the most powerful and the most efficacious is through the promotion path.   Like a product, our facebook page should be promoted, both on facebook users and through our blog.   For the 2nd way through Youlikehits ..   What is youlikehits ??   Is a website that offers its members to get 'like' for free or paid.   Not only that sob!   For follower on twitter can also be ... for more, better dude quick list de .. free while .. hehehe   Here's  how to register at Youlikehits   1. Log into t

Cara verifikasi nomor telepon facebook

Menambahkan nomor hp ke facebook dapat* kamu kerjakan* untuk menyelamatkan* akun facebook dan pun* memverifikasi akun facebook dengan nomor telepon, jadi andai* sewaktu masa-masa* lupa password dapat* menggunakan nomor ponsel ini sebagai sarana guna* meminta kata sandi baru. Lalu apa saja faedah* menambahkan no telepon ke facebook, sejumlah* fungsi itu* antara beda* : Untuk Log In facebook bila* tidak memakai* Email ketika* mendaftar  Untuk menerima pengumuman* facebook melewati* SMS Untuk menjawab* komentar atau update kedudukan* via SMS  Untuk menerima kode ketenteraman* bila akun Facebook dimulai* melalui browser baru (layanan ini mesti mengaktifkan...) Sebagai perangkat* pemulihan andai* lupa password facebook, dll Cara verifikasi nomor telepon facebook Login dahulu di facebook . Klik url ini Klik ” Tambahkan Nomor ” Masukkan nomor anda (Yang masih aktif). Setelah itu klik " berikutnya/verifikasikan " Tunggu

Update Robot Reaction Facebook Terbaru (Migrasi Keamanan Terbaik) SSL dan Enkripsi Terbaik

Kali ini saya akan share situs Robot Reaction Facebook . Fitur-Fitur Yang Ditawarkan: Auto Like Reaction Auto Love Reaction Auto WOW Reaction Auto HAHA Reaction Auto YAY Reaction Auto Sad Reaction Auto Angry Reaction Auto Pride Reaction 🌈 (Beta, bila server tersedia maka otomatis beralih ke Pride Reaction (Pelangi 🌈)) Auto Thankful 🌼 Reaction (Beta, bila server tersedia maka otomatis beralih ke Thankful (Bunga 🌼)) Tentang Keamanan Kami tidak menyimpan keamanan semua client. Kami hanya menyimpan cookies login saja untuk digunakan login bot. Kami tidak menyimpan kode sandi ataupun email yang sudah login di situs kami , karena di Enkripsi dengan beberapa metode encryption dan di masukkan secara random (tidak menentu). Tentang Spam Dan Pishing Kami tidak membuat spam atas nama anda ataupun atas nama Robot Reaction Facebook . Sama dengan nya hal pertama kami tidak menyimpan apapun termasuk email dan password anda. Termasuk juga tidak kami simpan untuk spam ataup

Kode Recommend Dan Comments Facebook Based JavaScript

Apakah fungsi plugin komentar Facebook untuk website ? Plugin Komentar Dengan plugin komentar, orang dapat mengomentari konten di situs web Anda menggunakan akun Facebook mereka. Orang-orang juga bisa memilih untuk berbagi aktivitas komentarnya dengan teman-teman (dan teman dari teman mereka) di Facebook. Plugin komentar juga termasuk alat moderasi bawaan dan peringkat relevansi sosial. Dan apakah fungsi tombol suka/recommend di Website ?. Tombol Suka untuk Web Satu klik pada tombol Suka akan 'menyukai' beberapa bagian konten di web dan membagikannya di Facebook. Anda juga dapat menampilkan tombol Bagikan di samping tombol Suka untuk memungkinkan orang menambahkan pesan pribadi dan menyesuaikan dengan siapa mereka akan membagikan. Nah berikut kode lengkap untuk website berbasis javascript: <div id="fb-root"></div> <script>(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;} js = d.

AMP Social Share for Blogger

AMP Social Share for Blogger - Updated (Twitter, Google, Facebook & Whatsapp) Social Media & SEO Why should you think about Social Media when designing your blog's SEO strategy? Social Media is the new SEO, an important part of a Brand’s online presence. Let me explain the how part? SEARCH part- People nowadays use social media channels to find the latest news on the topic they're most interested in. For example, People active on Twitter can possibly discover their favorite blog's newest content just by searching for tweets with Twitter’s search engine. SEO part - The number of times a blog's page has been retweeted on social media help search engines understand that the blog is credible and should be ranked for keyword phrases. This is how social link can boost your blog's search rank, when implemented properly. Step 1: Crea

Important Role Of Social Media For Any Blogs

Important Role Of Social Media For Any Blogs Pal knows what it is Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Way? I firmly accept 100% that my companion all know the name - the name of web-based social networking that I said above. The quick improvement of innovation today makes web-based social networking a focal piece of the life of us. On the off chance that we don't open the web-based social networking one day there might be felt less updates, on edge, anxious like something is absent. Right now, the Indonesian state was delegated one of the nations with the most Facebook record owner.Not just Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or web-based social networking Way likewise turn into an exceptionally well known Indonesian. It is now all that could possibly be needed to demonstrate that Indonesian individuals are significantly more dynamic in the virtual world than this present reality. Online networking is obviously there are ne

Update Script Auto Invite All Friends To Like Fanpages

Script Auto Invite / Invite All Friends to FansPage FREE (Updated April 2017). The upgraded version is much cooler and practical as compared to the previous version that must scroll-scroll up and heal.   Its use can be regulated because there is a limit and delay.   So it is safe to invite a lot of people.   What makes it cool?   No need to edit the script manually to enter the UID Fanpage. No need to scroll-scroll. No need to go to a specific page.   Quite on the home page Facebook alone, this script can be accessed.   Just click! There is a limit / limit the number of friends you want to invite. There is a delay / lag per invite to make it more secure and unreadable as spam. Cool again, the delay there are 3 types. Without delay, delay static and random delays. Wow! There is a sound notif. Can see the report of the invite action that has been done. Minimalist look and user friendly. This script Bookmarklet manifold.   Those who've heard the term, simply put, a boo