
Showing posts with the label Tips & Tricks

How to download from Google Drive (

Cara Download melalui Google Drive ( - Website Development Indonesia [ Website Development Indonesia ] - Lately, there have been so many questions asked to us about the status of download links that are always problematic ranging from dead links, slow speeds, download limits, and some even accuse us of making web phishing to steal visitor accounts. As we all know, Google Drive is a file hoster that we use because it provides a very fast download speed . However, everything that is good is always lacking . Yep, of course you often find the google drive link that is affected, right? It's not just visitors who hate this, we are the same. Reuploading files that are affected by the link limit is very troublesome because the files that are affected by the limit are very many. The limit occurred because too many are downloading files on our Google Drive account. The limit is very common, especially if the file you want to download is very busy . For that

Mengatasi XAMMP mysql table db error must be repaired

Mengatasi XAMMP mysql table db error must be repaired (WINDOWS 7,8,10) Buka CMD Ketik Command berikut (satu per satu): cd c:\ [enter] cd c:\xammp\mysql\bin [enter] .\mysqlcheck -u root -p --auto-repair --check --all-databases [enter] Selesai

The Latest Way to Speed Up Loading Adsense Ads

The Latest Way to Speed ​​Up Loading Adsense Ads - By default for Adsense ads that use asynchronous ads will appear after all page elements are loaded. If the loading page is slow, then loading Adsense ads will be even slower. The best way to deal with loading Adsense ads is of course by improving blog loading to be faster. The faster the blog page loads, the faster Adsense ads will appear. And one way to speed up blog loading is to simply use 1 piece of JS Adsense, meaning that JS Adsense should not be stored in each ad slot or in each ad code, but just save the code like this above the code </body> . <script async='async' src='//'/> That way, the browser will load an JS Adsense only so that page loading becomes faster. Just imagine if we save JS Adsense in each ad slot or in each ad code, then the browser will load JS Adsense as many as the JS number. And now I will share the la

Apakah Iklan Facebook Bekerja ?

Do Facebook Ads Work? (110% Yes & Here's Proof) Media sosial telah menjadi bagian integral dari pertumbuhan bisnis saat ini. Jika sebuah bisnis tidak memiliki kehadiran di media sosial, itu mungkin merugikan pelanggan. Inilah sebabnya mengapa Anda menemukan merek terkecil yang mencoba memanfaatkan iklan dan keterlibatan sosial untuk meningkatkan jangkauan dan konversi mereka - terutama di Facebook. Tetapi banyak dari bisnis ini yang bertanya: Apakah iklan Facebook berfungsi? Hingga kuartal terakhir tahun 2019, Facebook memiliki lebih dari 2,7 miliar pengguna aktif bulanan. Ini jelas situs jejaring sosial paling populer di dunia. Baik itu untuk penggunaan profesional atau pribadi, saluran media sosial diterima secara luas oleh berbagai demografi di pasar konsumen. Grafik di atas seharusnya memberikan alasan kuat bagi bisnis Anda untuk menjalankan iklan Facebook dan memperluas jangkauan merek Anda. Tapi Pertanyaannya adalah ... Apakah Iklan Facebook Benar-B

Finally the Blogger Thumbnail Can Support WEBP

Finally, the Blogger Thumbnail Can Support WEBP - This is the result of my imprisonment that I have done for almost 4 weeks, hahaha ... (just kidding, so don't think so ...). An inspiration finally stopped in my head for Blogger thumbnail solutions to support WEBP. The problem of presenting images in the next-gen format that came from Blogger thumbnails when tested using Pagespeed Insights and Lighthouse is still an unsolved case because Blogger doesn't yet support the WEBP image format for thumbnails. As for the picture posting, it can already be good for AMP and for NON AMP. You can refer to the post about how to convert Blogger images into WebP for amp-img and WebP images on Non-AMP Blogger posts . But finally I got a solution for Blogger thumbnails to support WEBP with the help of Statically Imgpx and Lazysizes.js . But this is still only for Non AMP, for AMP I have not got the solution. I made use of the Statically Imgpx feature to change Blogger i

10 Strategi Pemasaran Situs Web Kreatif Untuk Pengusaha

10 Creative Website Marketing Strategies For Entrepreneurs 10 Strategi Pemasaran Situs Web Kreatif untuk Pengusaha Terkadang pemasaran online bisa terasa seperti perlombaan untuk meraih pelanggan terbanyak. Begitulah cara bisnis memandang perjuangan terus-menerus untuk mengalahkan persaingan, dengan tujuan akhir menjual produk mereka dan menyediakan layanan mereka. Jadi apa yang dilakukan pengusaha? Mereka menggunakan alat terbaik yang tersedia untuk mereka saat ini di era media digital dan kepuasan instan. Alat itu? Kenapa, situs web mereka, tentu saja. Melalui situs web mereka, mereka dapat meningkatkan kehadiran online mereka, dan dengan melakukan itu, mereka dapat memperoleh lebih banyak lalu lintas. Dengan kata lain, solusinya adalah pemasaran situs web. Menggunakan strategi pemasaran situs web yang kreatif membantu mempromosikan situs web Anda dan meningkatkan lalu lintasnya. Tidak ada yang akan mempertanyakan fakta bahwa ini adalah strategi yan