
How to create a table of contents or sitemap in blogger or blogspot

How to create a table of contents or sitemap in blogger or blogspot Table of Contents or so-called sitemap is a navigation that is designed to allow visitors to access the content or topics required by them.   In addition to the table of contents or links sitemap consists of all the posts in one place so that visitors feel more at home and bounce rate would be more down. The table of contents or sitemap can help the search engine bots to facilitate indexing your site. Already know what it is sitemap and function.   Unfortunately blogger or blogspot does not provide some kind of widget, but we can add it. Okay, this time I will try to discuss how to add features  sitemap or table of contents on blogger or blogspot  you. Here are the steps how to create a table of contents or sitemap in blogger or blogspot: 1. Before you go to edit the template, please backup first your default template, here is a tutorial how to backup blogger template: How to easily backup template blog

AMP Social Share for Blogger

AMP Social Share for Blogger - Updated (Twitter, Google, Facebook & Whatsapp) Social Media & SEO Why should you think about Social Media when designing your blog's SEO strategy? Social Media is the new SEO, an important part of a Brand’s online presence. Let me explain the how part? SEARCH part- People nowadays use social media channels to find the latest news on the topic they're most interested in. For example, People active on Twitter can possibly discover their favorite blog's newest content just by searching for tweets with Twitter’s search engine. SEO part - The number of times a blog's page has been retweeted on social media help search engines understand that the blog is credible and should be ranked for keyword phrases. This is how social link can boost your blog's search rank, when implemented properly. Step 1: Crea

How to easily backup template blogger or blogspot

How to easily backup template blogger or blogspot Backup blogger or blogspot template is very important to know by the bloggers beginners before editing.   Due to avoid an error in editing templates blogspot blogger or you, if there was an error in the code so you can edit the template to restore back. Ok buddy , although this knowledge is a simple but very important .... Here's how to easily backup template blogger or blogspot: 1. Please go to the  TEMPLATE 2. Click the button  BACK UP / RESTORE  on the right of your screen: 3. Then will appear a popup.   Then click  DOWNLOAD FULL TEMPLATE 4. Then download and save your template xml file in the computer. 5. Remember the folder where your templates or copy this file to the flash disk or folder on your computer safe. Then how to restore the templates that have previously been backed up is easy: 1. Click the button  BACK UP / RESTORE  as in the above tutorial. 2. This will bring up a popup like the pictu